International Exlibris Competition – Ruse 2019
In the third millennium the Latin phrase “ex libris” is much more a mental label than just a symbol or seal, which indicates the holder of a book. In the modern technological world the cleared picture is like a kaleidoscope of elegance and creative freedom. Maybe so, but because of many other reasons, in Ruse and at Lyuben Karavelov Regional Library in 2005 not accidentally the idea to create an unique international exlibris competition "was born". The library is an apologist of the idea and the first consultant to the conception is the young artist Ivan Ivanov-Yoanniy.In the third millennium the Latin phrase “ex libris” is much more a mental label than just a symbol or seal, which indicates the holder of a book.
So over the years various cultural and symbolic events in Bulgaria and around the world are embedded in Ruse exlibris as a sign of belonging to the present, that turn in history. The contest became a phenomenon of collective cultural memory. The artworks acquired encyclopaedic value of intangible heritage created with special signs and modern messages to generations. Imperceptibly the meaning of the relationship between writers / authors, books, readers and audience is modified, that is fascinated by the magic of exquisite paintings. Thanks to the idea Danube coast and library became a wharf and home to dozens of international exlibris artists. Each subsequent edition of the competition shows how rich and varied may be the human imagination. Even within a theme that is always chosen very precisely, the competition aims to create new identities and is a catalyst of inimitable artistic insight.
Deadline: 31st May 2019