Art Moves 2024 – Billboard Art Competition

The 17th Festival of Art on Billboards – Art Moves is calling for entries to the 2024 International Billboard Art Competition, open to all the interested people, artists and students.

Participants are invited to prepare an artwork in response to this year’s competition theme: To become dependent or independent? To swim with or against the tide?

The author of the winning entry will receive the Main Award in the amount of PLN 4,000 (about EUR 918/USD 981). The best 6 artworks selected will be printed and exhibited in the urban space of the city of Torun, Poland in September 2024.

The purpose of the Art Moves competition is to propagate and popularize billboard art and to encourage artists to create art engaged in the reality.

The artists taking part in the competition are invited to prepare an artwork (of maximum three pieces) in a technique of their choice.

Details about this year’s theme are available on the official website.

This competition slogan can be treated as a metaphor of all the processes taking place in the world today. Every time has its challenges and it is impossible to escape them. Despite the fact that we as humanity in many respects solved a range of different problems faced by our ancestors, with the development of civilisation and technology they have been replaced with new challenges that we must face. Since a large part of global society is not able to cope with their own fears and dark thoughts, how can we cope with these new challenges? Instead of taking the bull by the horn and making a real effort to find creative solutions, we often prefer someone else to resolve the problems. Instead of making decisions for ourselves, we prefer other people to make decisions for us, instead of acting, we escape, instead of swimming against the tide, we swim with the tide. How can we break this deadlock, give up pessimism and malaise, and find the courage and energy within us (and our communities) to take action and build a more positive reality? How can we regain self-agency and stop believing that only artificial intelligence, governments or other people are able to resolve our problems? How can we stop resorting to various kinds of addictions: social media, technologies or psychoactive substances? How can we regain independent and critical thinking, as well as the will to make decisions about our own life and the shape of reality? How can we stop escaping and face up to reality? How can we avoid being dependent? How can we become independent and self-manageable? How can we create a common better future on our Planet?

In order to take part in the Competition, the participant has to send a completed entry form and attach a preview of the submitted work in the following format: 30 cm x 14,6 cm (11,8 inches x 5,7 inches) in a horizontal layout, 72 DPI, JPG.

Please find more information on the official website.

It's free to enter.

Deadline: 24 July 2024

Visit Official Website