Hiiibrand Awards 2024 – Brand & Communication Design Awards

Hiiibrand is calling for entries to the 15th Hiiibrand International Brand & Communication Design Awards.

The Hiiibrand International Brand & Communication Design Awards, also known as Hiiibrand Awards, are dedicated to highlighting branding and design value.

Through a global call for submissions and a rigorous selection process, they acknowledge exemplary brand practices and design excellence, aiming to foster communication and progression in the domains of brand and communication design.

The Hiiibrand Awards consist of two categories:

  • Brand Awards — honor companies and organizations that have achieved significant accomplishments in brand positioning, strategy, innovation, and communication
  • Design Awards — recognize teams and individuals demonstrating exceptional performance in the field of communication design

The Brand Awards feature 15 awards with 7 major winning benefits; the Design Awards feature 192 awards with 5 major winning benefits.

The Hiiibrand Awards not only concentrate on superficial aesthetic standards but also comprehensively assess real-world business challenges and corresponding strategies. As a brand and design award with over a decade of history, celebrated for its internationality, professionalism, and foresight, the Hiiibrand Awards represent the industry’s authority and establish the benchmark for high-quality brand and design practices. Receiving an award or being shortlisted for the Hiiibrand Awards constitutes a genuine honor for both brands and designers!

The Hiiibrand Awards 2024 have experienced further refinement. The organizers have convened a group of twelve respected international experts to act as judges. Significant improvements have been implemented across multiple facets, including award positioning, assessment criteria, category schedule, and the submission process, revealing a new outlook for everyone.

Judges for 2024

  • Henry Steiner, ‘Father of Hong Kong Graphic Design’, Hong Kong, China
  • Astrid Stavro, Founder of Astrid Stavro Studio, London, UK
  • Brian Collins, Co-Founder of Collins, New York, USA
  • Eric Q. Liu, Chinese Typographer, Tokyo, Japan
  • Harsh Kapadia, Chief Creative Officer for MRM, New York, USA
  • Irma Boom, ‘Queen of Books’, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Issay Kitagawa, CEO & Art Director of GRAPH, Tokyo, Japan
  • Laura Meseguer, Founder of Laura Meseguer Studio, Barcelona, Spain
  • Martin Woodtli, Art Director & Graphic Designer, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Ruedi Baur, Founder of Integral Ruedi Baur, France/Switzerland
  • Simon Dixon & Aporva Baxi, Co-founders of DixonBaxi, London, UK

Entry Fees

Entry fee starts at $20 for Student Branding entries and $40 for Professional Branding entries, by 31 October 2024.

The super early bird deadline is 31 October 2024, with a 50% discount; the early bird deadline is 30 November 2024, with a 25% discount; the regular deadline is 31 December 2024, after which the original price applies.

Deadline: 31 December 2024

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