GATEWAY by arturo tedeschi is a phygital piece promoting `guiltless approach to NFT world`

Designboom_ Displayed at Palazzo Bandello on the occasion of Milan Design Week 2022, GATEWAY by Arturo Tedeschiis a unique ‘phygital’ experience created as part of the meta_WASTE project by C-VERSO and RoGUILTLESSPLASTIC 2022 initiative by Rossana Orlandi. Through the interaction between an ‘augmented’ installation and a digital platform, the artwork aims to raise awareness and educate users on web 3.0 and NFTs, promoting an active participation and understanding of related processes (crypto wallet, gas fee, minting, drop).

Specifically, GATEWAY by Arturo Tedeschi is a voxel-based and 3D-printed installation augmented through a generative projection mapping that adds a digital skin over the physical object. Visitors can become co-creators of the artwork through a mechanism typical of the NFT world, where modules of the 3D-printed sculpture have a digital twin collectible in the form of a non-fungible token. By collecting an NFT, the installation is altered via projection mapping.

At the end of Milan Design Week, the digital skin of GATEWAY became a collective experience where the virtual has influenced the physical. ‘Equally rejecting celebrations or demonization, GATEWAY has the final goal to bring people closer to blockchain technology and its forms of expression. Moreover, the project embraces the novel Proof of Stake (PoS) algorithm and the use of a low energy waste blockchain (Tezos), both promoting a conscious experience and a guiltless approach to the NFT world,’ concludes Tedeschi.

His eco-conscious vision directly echoes C-VERSO‘s meta_WASTE philosophy to use ‘clean NFTs’, and Rossana Orlandi’s RoGUILTLESSPLASTIC initiative to engage designers and creative communities to give new life to plastic waste and all other kind(s) of waste.’ The phygital installation was also a creative contribution of Edoardo Olivetto, Gianluca Pugliese, and Paride Stella.